Ramses XII Mohie ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten

Greetings, World Travelers! I'm Mohie, also known as Ramses XII, and I'm not just an English-speaking tour guide; I'm your ultimate storyteller and visual chronicler of adventures.

Take a glance at my profile to witness my photography and videography skills in action.

Picture this: an Ancient Egyptian navigating the modern world, on a relentless quest for sacred knowledge and thrilling experiences.

My journey began at Cairo University, where I graduated with a degree in Egyptology from the Faculty of Archaeology in 2008. From there, I ventured into the world of tourism, acquiring a tour guide license and later earning a Master's degree in Heritage Conservation and Site Management at Helwan University.

My career kicked off in 2008, working with renowned travel giants like TUI Travel and Thomas Cook in the captivating Sharm El-Sheikh resort. In 2016, I returned to Cairo, my beloved hometown, dedicating myself to freelance tour guiding. I've curated countless private tours across Egypt, each one a unique adventure.

But wait, there's more! In 2020, I proudly penned my first book, "The Complete Ramses II, " available in Arabic and soon to be translated into English. You'll find me actively engaged on social media and making appearances on Egyptian television.

But my true passion lies in archaeology tours. I relish the fact that ancient monuments hold countless untold stories, my fervent passion is to breathe life into these narratives and share Egypt's resplendent past with the world.

Join me on an extraordinary journey where history comes alive, where every ancient stone whispers its story. Let's embark on an adventure through Egypt's glorious past together!


As a specialized archaeologist tour guide with a focus on Egyptology, I possess the following credentials:

• Bachelor's Degree in Egyptology, obtained from the esteemed Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University.

• A Tourism Guidance Diploma, further enhancing my expertise in guiding and facilitating meaningful travel experiences.

• A Master's Degree in Heritage Conservation and Site Management (HCSM), attained from Helwan University.

• Notable authorship of "The Complete Ramses II" and an upcoming publication, "The Complete Hyksos," showcasing my deep understanding of ancient Egyptian history.

• Over 15 years of extensive experience within the tourism industry, marked by the successful guidance and organization • of more than 1,000 comprehensive tours spanning Egypt's diverse landscapes.

Sprachen Englisch
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