Shore Excursion: Day Tour to Cairo from Alexandria Port

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 600 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

Embark on an unforgettable shore excursion departing from Alexandria Port, tailored to match your cruise schedule. Our adventure begins with a scenic 3-hour drive, covering 250 kilometers, as we make our way to the heart of Cairo.

Our first stop is the iconic Giza Plateau, . Here, we will explore the majestic Great Pyramids of Giza, stand in awe of the enigmatic Great Sphinx, and delve into the history at the Valley Temple of King Khafre. For those seeking an extra thrill, an optional camel ride is available to traverse this historic landscape.

Following our pyramids adventure, I'll offer the choice of indulging in an optional lunch and shopping break.

Our journey then leads us to the renowned Egyptian Museum, home to a staggering 250, 000 artifacts from ancient Egypt. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this incredible civilization.

Finally, drive back to Alexandria Port, ensuring you have ample time to catch up with your cruise or return to your place of stay.


> Highlights:

• Pick-up: Arranged to align with your cruise timing and will be from the port gate.

• 230 kilometers drive, approximately 3 hours to Cairo.

• Giza Plateau.

• Egyptian Museum.

> Itinerary:

• Giza Plateau.

• Optional exploration of the interior of the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

• Visit to the Valley Temple of King Khafre.

• Encounter with the enigmatic Sphinx.

• Exploration of the Cairo Egyptian Museum.

• Optional camel ride (maximum 30 minutes).

• Lunch break (Optional).

• Opportunity for shopping (Optional).

Includes: Me as your guide, A vehicle with a dedicated driver.

Excludes: Entrance fees, Meals, and Personal Expenses.

Please note that all my tours, including this one, can be customized, extended, or shortened based on your interests and group size.


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