EBC Trek (Everest Base camp Trek)

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch
Kosten 1200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Wochen

I've had the incredible opportunity to join a group for the Everest Base Camp trek twice before, and each time has left me with cherished memories. I'm excited to embark on this journey again soon, as it's an experience that truly lasts a lifetime. I highly recommend visiting this remarkable destination to discover Nepal's breathtaking natural beauty and immerse yourself in its captivating culture. The trek leads you through the Khumbu region, offering mesmerizing vistas of the Himalayan mountains, enchanting landscapes, and an authentic glimpse into the Sherpa way of life. The adventure spans approximately 12-14 days, commencing and concluding in Lukla, with captivating stops in various villages en route. You'll encounter diverse terrains, traverse suspension bridges, and encounter landmarks like the iconic Tengboche Monastery. Given the high altitudes, acclimatization is key, making physical fitness and preparation vital for a successful journey. For those who seek adventure and have a deep appreciation for nature, this trek promises an unforgettable and awe-inspiring experience.


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