Menuka Roka ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Nepal, Bhutan

I am Menuka Roka, a female tour operator and guide in Nepal. Having explored numerous trekking areas across my beautiful country, I am a young, educated, and passionate individual dedicated to providing top-notch service. Born in the mountainous region, the birthplace of Lord Gautama Buddha, I own and manage my own travel agency, Tours Nepal. We tailor tours to your specific preferences, ensuring your visit to Nepal is unforgettable. Many foreigners visit Nepal for various reasons, drawn by its natural beauty. If you require assistance, please feel free to reach out, and I'll do my best to help promptly. With extensive experience in Nepal's tourism sector and thorough knowledge of trekking routes, we are committed to ensuring your happiness as tourists, treating you like valued guests.

a professional tour and trekking with extensive experience in organizing various tours and treks, I am dedicated to providing exceptional services. Fluent in English, German, and Hindi, I offer both private and group tours. To book my services, please provide the following details:

Starting point of your journey

Duration of your trip

Desired daily guide hours (if applicable)

Inclusion of hotel bookings and transfers

Your preferred tour type (cultural, natural, historical, yoga, meditation, homestay, volunteer, etc.). We customize your tour to match your preferences.

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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