Cairo By Night - Khan El Khalili

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Stunden

Cairo By Night - Khan El Khalili (50$/ Person)


Meeting Point

At your hotel

06:00 PM


At your hotel

06:30 PM

Khan El Khalili

Embark on a captivating 'Cairo by Night' tour in the enchanting Khan El Khalili, where the city's vibrant culture comes to life under the moonlight. This historic bazaar, one of the world's oldest marketplaces, transforms into a colorful spectacle, with narrow winding streets lit by lanterns and filled with lively vendors and street performers. Dive into a shopping adventure for unique handmade crafts and indulge in an array of authentic Egyptian street food, from koshari to baklava. Expert guides will lead you through this labyrinthine market, unveiling hidden gems and sharing its rich history. Experience the energy of Cairo's nightlife with live entertainment, making this an unforgettable evening of exploration, culture, and discovery.

09:00 PM

End of the tour - Ending Point

At your hotel

Ending Point

At your hotel


What‘s included:

- Private tour.

- Private English speaking tour guide.

- Transfer by air-conditioned private car.

- A professional driver.

- Pick-up from hotel and return.

- One bottle of mineral water for each participant.


What‘s not included:

- Enterance fees

- Lunch (Optional).

- Beverage during meals.

- Optional activities.

- Any extras not mentioned in the program.

- Tipping.


Important Information:

I can also pick you up from airport at any time per day and per week.

Additional Info :

- This is a private tour / activity,

- Only your group will participate.

- Your tours can be customized according to your needs and preferences, just tell your guide what you are looking for.

- In case of booking for one person only, an additional $10 will be charged on the spot for each day tour.


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