Kero Gamal ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten

Kerolos Gamal is an official Professional Licensed Tour Guide from the ministry of tourism and antiquities and holds a Bachelor's degree in tourism guidance with a wide experience in handling tours around Egypt. I'm ready to give you the best vacation experience that you deserve! With the best flexibility option, now you can customize your tour in the way you'd like to enjoy, and let me meet your expectations!

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (11)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Claudio F
19 OKT 2023
Kerolos Gamal has been amazing from start to finish He guided me perfectly and he explained a lot On top of everything in every moment he wanted to make sure I felt safe and he managed to do that He guided me through Old Cairo, we visited the Saint George Church (super beautiful), the Hanging Church (amazing), the Khan el-Khalili Bazar (lovely) The experience was even more enjoyable when I discovered one of my favorite food being sold in the streets, lupins! Kerolos did not think twice and he went to buy a glass full of lupins for me! Kerolos is very knowledgeable about Cairo and Egypt's history and much more! Due to the terrible traffic that day we had to kill some time and he had the great idea to even visit together the Al-Azhar Mosque, which again was another amazing sight of the city! He never left me alone one second, he made nice pictures of me, we even took some selfies and this was one of my favorite tours in Cairo! Thanks Kerolos for everything!
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