7days/6nights Omo. Valley safari

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch
Kosten 2900 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche

Under this tour travelers can explore unique cultures of different ethinic groups and their way of llife. villages, ritual activities and market days are also part of the trip. Some of the tribes are:- The Mursi, Hamer, Bena, Tsemay, Konso, Dorze, Karo, Erbore, Dassenech and more.


Day 1- Arrive Addis Abeba transfer to your hotel. Balance of the day, do city tour and visit National museum where Lucy is located, Mount Entoto and Merkato. O/n hotel

Day 2- Addis Abeba- Aawassa

Early breakfast then drive to Awassa. On the way visit Tiya cemetery field, Lake Ziway home for different species of aquatic birds and Abijata-Shalla lakes NP. (In poor condition). O/n hotel

Day 3- Awassa-Arbaminch

Check out your hotel and go for Awassa fish market then proceeded to Arbaminch. Lunch in Sodo town, more drive to Dorze village to visit the Dorze people and their day to day activities. O/n hotel/Lodge

Day 4- Arbaminchi - Turmi

Have breakfast and proceed to lake Chamo for boat cruise to see Hippos and African Crocodiles, back to your car then drive to Konso for lunch. Afternoon continue to Turmi with a stop at Keyafer market where the Bena, Tsemay and Ari people are transacting their goods (Thursday). O/n lodge

Day 5- Turmi

Full day in Turmi with excursion to Kara/Karo village to visit the Karo tribe, the smallest group in the Omo valley counting not more than 1500 heads. They live nearby the Omo river for they are semi pastoralist growing small crops through the river. They are known for body painting and scarification. Afternoon more drive to Omorate village to see the Dasenech people.

Optional= Bull jumping ceremony of Hamer people, if available. Late afternoon, more visit of the Hamer village and experience their way of life. O/n Lodge

Day 6- Jinka

Today we drive to Jinka with a stop at any available market places. Late afternoon visit Ari village who occupy the outskirt of Jinka town. O/n hotel (basic)

Day 7- Jinka-Addis Abeba

Take an early breakfast, pack your luggage and drive to Mago N/P to visit the Mursi tribe known for lip plate insertion. Back to Jinka for lunch then transfer to airport for your flight to Addis Abeba. Balance of the day, Shopping and other activities then go to one of the cultural restaurants for farewell dinner and experience local dishes and dances, finally, drop at Bole Int'l airport for your departure home.

End of our service


-Meal in full board basis including tea/coffee.


-4x4 land cruiser out of Addis Ababa and mini van in Addis Ababa

-English speaking guide all the way

-Local guide service

-Entrance fee at all sites except bull jumping

-Water as needed

-Guide airticket

-pick up and drop off from airport and so on


-Local and int'l air ticket

-Pesonal expenses like shopping and etc


Alcholic drinks


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