Beyene Assefa ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Äthiopien

My name is Beyene Assefa, certified tour guide and travel organizer in Ethiopia with an experience of more than 16 years in the travel industry. I did my accadamy from one of the best tourism college in Addis Abeba, My experience as a local guide of course goes back to as far beyond that. This long years of experiences in the field has helped me to create a better exposure in the tour and travel business and friendly relationship with my clients. I have learnt so many things in life to provide high quality services to my valuable customers, guide them to the different destinations with great passion. The Ministry of Culture & Tourism of Ethiopia has certified me after evaluated my efficiency in the field. Therefore, please do contact me for any type of your travel holidays to the land of "Lucy" our ancestor, and experience the Culture, Tradation, History and Nature of Ethiopia. world, new experience!

Sprachen Amharisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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