Day trip tp Adadimariam church & Tiya archeoligical site

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch
Kosten 560 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 9 Stunden


Early morning, we pick you up at any place where you are in Addis Ababa, like at your hotel, guest house or Bole int'l airport then driving south to the rock hewn church of Adadi-Mariam and Tiya archeoligical site following the tarmack road heading to the unique Omo valley tribes.

On arrival, visit the semi monolithic church and market place if (Saturday) then proceed to the world heritage site of Tiya cemetry field recorded under UNESCO due to its 12-13th centuries stone stelae. After lunch at basic restaurat drive back to Addis Ababa on the same road we had in the morning, then drop you at any place you desire to be.

End the excursion

Price includes


-All entranc fee

-Mini van

-English speaking guide

-Tea,coffee or soft drink on lunch time

-1lt of packed water

Price not includes

-Shopping expense

-Personal interests, like cigarette

-Alcholic drinks or things out of the "price includes"


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