10ds/9nts Trekking to Simen Mountains NP

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch
Kosten 3545 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

The Simien Mountains NP in Northern Ethiopia is equiped with diverse faunal & floral distribution as well as exceptionnal landscape. This became an appropriate habitat for different species of wildlife: such as the endemic Walya Ibex, Ethiopian wolf, Gelada Baboons & Meniliks bush including several birds of prey like Lammergeyer, Ruppel's voltures and etc.


Day 1- Addis Abeba

Arrive Addis Abeba transfer to your hotel. Balance of the day, do city tour and visit National museum where Lucy is located, Mount Entoto and Merkato. O/n hotel

Day 2- Addis Ababa-Gondar

Fly to Gondar then take a visit of the royal enclosure, bath of king Fasiledes, the church of Trinity and the monastery of Kuskuam Mariam. O/n hotel

Day 3- Gondar-Sankaber- (3,200m)

Early breakfast then drive to Sankaber (136ks) via the town of Debark where the headquarter of Simien Mountains National Park is located. Before Sankaber, do hiking through wonderful landscape and meet the endemic Gelada baboons on the way. O/n camping

Day 4- Sankaber-Geech (3,550m)

Duration 5-6 hrs. Trek from Sankaber to Geech with a stop at Jinbar water fall ( better time for the water fall is end of August to December) and other magnificent views of Simien Mountains. O/n Camping

Day 5- Geech-Emetgogo- Geech (3,986m)

Full day in Geech with excursion to Emetgogo view point, the most stunning place in the Simen mountains and takes 6-7 hrs trekking. O/n camping

Day 6- Geech-Chenek (3,600m)

Today we trek for about 6-7 hrs to Chenek camp site where we could see the other endemic mammals in Simen mountains NP known as of Waliya Ibex and the rarest Ethiopian Wolf'. O/n camping

Day 7- Chenek-Ambiqo(4500m)

Trekk for about 8 hrs to Ambiqo via Buwahit hill, the 2nd highest peak in the Simen mountains next to Ras Dashen/Ras Dejen. O/n camping

Day 8- Ambiqo- Ras Dashen-Ambiqo (4,543m)

Early wake up and breakfast then start trekking and stroll up Ras Dashen, the highest peak in Ethiopia (about 4543masl) and return to Ambiqo late in the afternoon. O/n camping

Day 9- Ambiqo-Chiroleba/Chenek-Gobdar-

After breakfast trek back to the small village of Chiroleba (3hrs) or Chenek campsite and meet your cars then drive to Gondar (5-6hrs) with a stop at the fellasha village where Ethiopian Jewish communities used to live. O/n hotel

Day 10- Gondar-Addis Ababa

Transfer to Gonder airport then catch the flight to Addis Abeba. Balance of the day, Shopping and other activities in the capital then go to one of the cultural restaurants for farewell dinner and experience local dishes as well as different tribal dances, finally, dropped you off at the airport for your departure home.

End of our services.

Price includes

-Meal in full board basis

-Tea, coffee, soft drink and juice during meal time.


-Car/Mini van

-Fuel expense

-English speaking guide all the way

-Local guide service at every places

-Entrance fee at all sites

-Water as needed

-Guide airticket

-pick up and drop off from and to airport.

-Scout allowance

-Mule hire

-Gov. tax

Not includes

-Local and int'l air ticket

-Pesonal expenses like shopping, photograph and etc

-Health issue expense

-Visa and insurance fee


-Alcholic drinks.


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