Full day city tour of Addis Abeba (8-9 hours)

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch
Kosten 370 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

About Addis Ababa:

Addis Ababa meaning new flower is the capital of Ethiopia and Africa the whole, established in 1886 by emperor Menilik the 2nd, reigned from 1889 -1913. In fact, it was queen Tahayitu, his wife said to be credit for the foundation of the city as a small settlement for she moved her living quarter for the first time from mount Entoto dawn to the present hot spring area which still today used as a public spa and resort center for the locals. Addis Ababa hosts a diversified population more than 6 million people who are coming from all over the country and are living in peace and harmony. It is the political and economical hub of the nation where so many local and int'l organizations are located. Ti mention but few are: AU/African union, ECA /economic commission for Afeca, EU /European and other embassies and consulate's of different countries in the glob.

There are few places of interest in Addis Ababa one can visit either in a half or Fullday city tours.

Trinity cathedral, St. George church, national musuem, ethinographic musuem, Addis Ababa musuem, mount Entoto, Markato, historical monuments/squares and coffee shops are the main stop overs that should be covered during the tour.

=Whole day city tour (8-9hrs)

This is a whole day city tour of Addis Ababa incorporating 1 Museum, 1 Church, mount Entoto and Markato. It starts in the morning and raps up in late afternoon. The tour gives you short highlight of Ethiopian Orthodox church and general information about the history, culture and archeological findings of the country. You have an option to select 1 church and 1 musuem listed under "about Addis Ababa" which of course both are worth to visit.


You will be picked up at your at hotel or Bole intl airport then drive to one of the chrches like the church of Trinity.

Having finished, Head to the

National or archeoligical history museum of Ethiopia

where Lucy an oldest hominid fossil and other historical, cultural and archeological artifacts are located. It takes about 1 and half hour then drive to mount Entoto.

Mount Entoto, located on a higher ground just on the northern outskirts of Addis Ababa. Once had been served as the capital of King Menilik the 2nd before he moved to the present Addis Ababa. The church of St. Mary of Zion, Entoto museum and old palace of Menilik are the major stop overs.

After lunch break, proceed to Markato, the busiest and largest market in Africa falling Monday-Saturday. Take 1 and half hours in the market and heading for shopping and coffee time.

The end of the tour shall be wrapped up by dropping you at Bole int'l airport or any place where you want to be.

End of our service.

-Price includes

-All entranc fee

-Mini van

-English speaking guide

-Tea,coffee or soft drink with -cakes

-1lt of packed water

Price not includes


-Shopping expense

-Personal interests, like cigarette

-Alcholic drinks or things out of the "price includes"


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