A 2-Day tour, exploring 3 cities including Baghdad Cultural Sites, the Ruins of Babylon and Karbala Holy Shrines

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 175 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

A 2-Day tour, exploring 3 cities including Baghdad Cultural Sites, the Ruins of Babylon and Karbala Holy Shrines

Day 1: Baghdad

Our exploration commences at the Iraqi Museum, immersing ourselves in ancient Mesopotamian antiquities. The tour continues with a captivating walking tour through the old quarters of Baghdad, visiting al-Mutanabbi Book Market street—an intellectual haven, Mustansiriyah Madrasah which is one of the earliest universities in the world, and the century-old Shabandar Cafe for a glass of lime tea. Our path leads to the Abbasid Palace on the Tigris river bank, a century-old juice shop with a refreshing raisin juice, and the Antique Market. A boat tour on the Tigris river follows, and we indulge in lunch at an old Baghdadi restaurant offering Kuba. The day unfolds with walks through bustling bazaars like Copper Market, Stationery Market, Clothing Market, and culminates at the iconic Freedom Monument.

Day 2: Babylon - Karbala

The next morning, we set out for Babylon, exploring the original lower part of the Ishtar Gate, the Lion of Babylon, and strolling through the reconstructed palace of Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. Following the ruins, we venture to Saddam's abandoned palace, exploring its grandeur and encountering the last standing portrait statue of Saddam. Then we head to Karbala, where we embark on a walking night tour, marveling at the magnificent shrines of Imam Hussein and Abbas, and immersing ourselves in the vibrant nearby bazaar.

We can either stay overnight in Karbala or head back to Baghdad at night.


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