Full day tour Lake Bohinj

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 396 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

You have an opportunity to visit Slovenia's largest natural glacial lake, to see the source of the river Sava Bohinjka, the Savica waterfall or to enjoy a bird's eye view of Lake Bohinj from Mt. Vogel. A short journey through the Bohinj Valley will take you to part of the valley called Ukanc. From here you can either make a short climb to be rewarded with an impressive view of the 78 m waterfall and to take a cable car to Mt. Vogel where you have the impression that you can almost touch the peaks of Julian Alps and our highest mountain Triglav. Also included is a boat ride across the lake to the other end - Ribčev Laz, where you will have time for lunch. The journey back will take us through the villages of the Upper Bohinj Valley.

Do not forget: walking shoes, camera

I adapt the trip to you and your wishes. Upon arrival, we go through the program together, talk and then do everything you want in the program. so that the program will be prepared according to your wishes - it will be costume made tour.

Bohinj is really nature treasure in the Julian Alps and Triglav national park.


9. 00 bus station Boh. Bistrica

9. 15 walking by Bohinj lake, church st. John, monument to the first hikers to mount. Triglav, info center, monument from Zlatorog - gold horn

10. 30 walking to Slap Savica waterfall

12. 00 cable car to Vogel

13. 30 walking Stara Fužina, devil's bridge

TRANSPORTATION: by car (transfer is not included in the price) and walking, hiking


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