Elizabeta Hlede ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Italien, Österreich, Slowenien

I lead a fulfilling life and am passionate about nature and the outdoors and have excellent local knowledge having lived in this beautiful part of the world all of my life.

Slovenia is a small country located on the sunny side of the Alps but has an incredibly diverse landscape with stunning natural features which I can share with you. . . I live in Bohinj between Lake Bohinj and Lake Bled - a perfect location to explore the wonders of Triglav National Park which is a paradise for hiker's and lovers of nature at it's best. I am the owner of tourist agency and can offer a complete service attending to every detail of your stay - including advice about your trip, organisation of accommodation, local transport, airport transfers, excursions, tickets and anything else you may require to make your holiday a memorable experience.

I take great pleasure from my work - this is a beautiful country and I will ensure that you leave with everlasting memories - but make sure you bring your camera to capture the best moments - plus a big memory card. . . !!

Sprachen Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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