Full day tour at Lake Bled

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 430 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Visit Bled, Vintgar gorge and Bohinj

We will organize leisurely a sightseeing excursion with a morning visit to Vintgar Gorge. In Vingar Gorge you will be able to walk along forest trails offering superb views of this most dramatic natural feature carved out of limestone by the waters of the Radovna river (1, 6 km in one way).

Bled is really very popular tourist destination in Slovenia.

It is definitely worth visiting, trying the real Bled cream cheese, admiring the view from the terrace of Bled Castle and taking a traditional Pletna boat to the island, where you will have the opportunity to ring the wishing bell. In any case, a visit to Bled will not leave you indifferent and you will take away beautiful photos and even better memories.


Bled is really one of the most important tourist destinations in Slovenia. After Bled we will visit Bohinj, nature treasure under mount Triglav in Triglav national park. There we will walk behind the lake and have a lunch in a local restaurant. After lunch we can visit also waterfall Savica or drive with the cable car on mount Vogel, from where is really amazing view on Triglav and Julian Alps.

On the way to Ljubljana we will visit also Radovljica old town. Radovljica's old town is one of the best preserved town structures in Slovenia with houses dating from 15th and 16th century. After that we will drive to Ljubljana.


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