Mostnica gorge

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 396 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Nature treasure in Triglav National park

On our hike in the Mostnica Gorge we follow the crystal clear Mostnica stream which has carved a 2 kilometre gorge just above the village of Stara Fužina in Bohinj and easily accessible right from the shore of Bohinj Lake. In some places the stream bed is extremely narrow and the gorge walls reach up to 20 metres in height. In the upper part of Mostnica the valley widens presenting the idyllic valley of Voje with splendid meadows and (mostly) traditional-style holiday homes.


On our trek in the Mostnica Gorge we follow the crystal clear Mostnica stream which has carved a 2 kilometre gorge just above the village of Stara Fužina in Bohinj and easily accessible right from the shore of Bohinj Lake. In some places the stream bed is extremely narrow and the gorge walls reach up to 20 metres in height. In the upper part of Mostnica the valley widens presenting the idyllic valley of Voje with splendid meadows and (mostly) traditional-style holiday homes. At the end of the valley there is a typical local café and the delightfully pretty Voje waterfall. Canyoning is also possible in the gorges of Mostnica and this can be organised as part of your trip by prior arrangement. The Voje valley offers easy walking for mixed ability groups in a stunningly beautiful location and you can enjoy a typical Slovenian - Bohinj lunch to compliment your visit.


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