Rapallo hiking

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 283 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Hiking on Rapallo border, 5 peaks

We will organize you half day hiking excursion to the heights of the former Rapallo Border between Slovenia and Italy after the Second World War. This splendid location provides a superb vantage point to survey the surrounding countryside and is the only place in the whole of Slovenia where you can see Mt Triglav, Bled, Bohinj Lake and the Adriatic coast (weather permitting). The views are simply breathtaking and will last long in the memory and you will also discover remnants of bunkers and trenches steeped in history from the First World War. A walk along the former borderline is a real treat for history lovers. After World War I, the Rapallo Treaty of 1920 ceded the territory of Slovenia's Primorska region to Italy. The Italians occupied the Baška grapa area, set up border markers and built roads, barracks, bunkers, and other fortifications on the mountain peaks until the beginning of World War II.


8. 00 meeting in Boh. Bistrica

8. 30 start walking from Soriška planina

9. 30 top of Možic mountain, explore the bunkers

10. 30 Lajnar mountain, walking on the rapalo border

11. 30 top of Drauh mountain

12. 00 stop at the mountain hut


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