Golica hiking

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 283 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

After a transfer to Pristava hut we will walk towards Golica - the 4th highest peak in the Karavanke Mountains, and then continue to Planina pod Golico, especially known for the wild white narcissus flower which flourishes in mountain pastures around the village from late April to early May. The plants have been protected by law since 1949 and picking them is strictly forbidden.


Golica is often called the "mountain of daffodils", and for a good reason; in mid-May, the long slopes are carpeted with wild narcissi in full bloom, making the scenery look pretty otherworldly. If the first at the foothills of Golica start budding somewhere in late April or early May, the whole slopes of the Western Karawanks bloom a few weeks later. For many, a trip to the slopes covered with daffodils is a once-a-year experience, yet the stunning vistas attract not only the locals but tourists as well.


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