Rodica hiking

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 340 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Hiking on Rodica with beautifull view to the coast and Triglav

Our trekking excursion starts off with a 10km drive into the mountains to Javorje from where we begin with a 45 minute walk to Planina Suha. We walk firstly through pine forests before emerging on more elevated broken ground where you will see alpine pasturelands and some traditional mountain huts. At this stage we have a brief stop to take in our surroundings before heading onwards to Lepa Suha from where you will be able to see Rodica in constant view until we reach its summit. This part of the walk is now on open grassland and presents a truly beautiful scene of peace and tranquility in the mountains.

Once on the summit of Rodica the views are sublime and in good conditions we can see Mt. Triglav, Bohinj Valley and lake, Krn, towards Primorska and all the way to the Adriatic coast.


Our trekking excursion starts off with a 10km drive into the mountains to Javorje from where we begin with a 45 minute walk to Planina Suha. We walk firstly through pine forests before emerging on more elevated broken ground where you will see alpine pasturelands and some traditional mountain huts. At this stage we have a brief stop to take in our surroundings before heading onwards to Lepa Suha from where you will be able to see Rodica in constant view until we reach its summit. This part of the walk is now on open grassland and presents a truly beautiful scene of peace and tranquility in the mountains.

Once on the summit of Rodica the views are sublime and in good conditions we can see Mt. Triglav, Bohinj Valley and lake, Krn, towards Primorska and all the way to the Adriatic coast.


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