2 days Hiking on MT Triglav

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 1276 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Nestled in the heart of the Julian Alps, Mount Triglav is undoubtedly the most beloved peak in Slovenia.

Not only is it the highest peak in the country, at a height of 2864 m, but it's also a powerful national symbol. It's such a trace of identity that it is said that every "true" Slovenian should stand on the summit of Mount Triglav at least once in their life.

But Slovenians are not the only ones allured by the majestic Triglav. Most climbers travelling to Slovenia have it on their bucket lists. And many others choose it as a first experience in the mountains.

We'll start our hike in Krma and go to Kredarica hut-here we will stay for the night. The next day we'll climb to the top of MT Triglav and then go back down to Krma.


Our highest mountain, a national symbol, every 'true' Slovenian is supposed to stand on its summit at least once. Mt. Triglav is undoubtedly the best-known and most visited Slovene mountain. But despite the popularity, ascending to its summit is not for anyone!. Do not be too reckless! The described trip begins and ends in Vrata - a charming valley, which 'crashes' into the majestic Triglav North Face at its end. Our trip will actually 'surround' the Triglav North Face - we will ascend along its right side along the toughest secured climbing route (via ferrata) that leads to Triglav, and descend on its left side along the classic route past Kredarica hut and 'Čez Prag' back to Vrata valley. A true mountain experience for experienced mountaineers!

Rudno polje - Jezerca - Vodnikov hut - Planika hut or Kredarica hut - Triglav - Vodnikov hut - Rudno polje. It can be also costume made tour and different trail back in the valley: We can organize then transfer.

Extra payments not included

-Hut for guests and guide

-Food for guests and guide

-25 € for climbing equipment



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