Snowshoeing day trip in Triglav National Park

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 396 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Enjoy the winter in the Slovenian Alps

Our snowshoe tours offer an exciting way to discover Triglav National Park in the winter. Escape the morning fog in Ljubljana or Bled and soak up the sun and new energy in on a journey through the snowy depths of Slovenian Alps. Whether you are looking for a leisurely naturalist led walk, or a more strenuous ascent of a nearby view point I can arrange it.


Our snowshoe tours offer an exciting way to discover Triglav National Park in the winter. Escape the morning fog in Ljubljana or Bled and soak up the sun and new energy in on a journey through the snowy depths of Slovenian Alps.

Snowshoeing is also a perfect activity for families (suitable for children age 8 and up).

The itinerarie of the tour is not fix. After the morning meeting we will design the tour together - according to your wishes, fitness level, destination of your hotel and of course weather conditions. Due to the nature of this tour last-minute changes are a possibility and are left up to the discretion of the guide.

Due to the nature of this tour last-minute changes to the itinerary are a possibile.


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