4-Days tour Baghdad-Samarra-Mosul-Erbil

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage


we will start our tour by visiting Iraqi national museum which contains precious relics from the Mesopotamian, Abbasid and Persian civilizations. Then we will visit Mutanabbi street on foot The street is the historic center of Baghdad bookselling, a street filled with bookstores and outdoor book stalls. We are going to walk through markets and bazaar where you can buy souvenirs, precious books....etc. Also we will visit The Abbasid Palace is an ancient Abbasid complex and an Iraqi historical palace located near the Tigris river on al-Rusafa side of Baghdad, Iraq. North of al-Mutanabbi Street and a part of al-Maidan area. The palace dates back to the 12th century. we will take a tour in Al-Mustansiriya Madrasa was a medieval-era scholarly complex that provided a universal system of higher education. It was established in 1227 CE. Our walk tour will end after visiting these sights, after that we should fetch a taxi then we will stop near liberation monument take some photos and selfies over there then we will end our tour by visiting Musa Al-kazim mausoleum the great grand son of prophet muhammed the interesting thing is the the masterpiece of architect will enchant you.


Next morning we will begin our tour by visiting Samaraa and exploring the the heritage of the city, the spiral minaret of the great mosque which was once the largest mosque in the Islamic world, and Abu Duluf Mosque.Then we will head to Erbil we will spent the night overthere.


Next morning we will explore the beauty of the city hangs around in Erbil's streets, visiting Citadel of Erbil there is souq nearby, buy a souvenirs.

Day- 4

Next morning we will head to Nineveh (Mosul), exploring the history, heritage, and cultural of the city by visiting Hatra and ancient city, Mar mattai monastery one of the oldest Christian monasteries in existence and is famous for its magnificent library and considerable collection of Syriac Christian manuscripts. Also we will visit Nergal Gate The gate was built by King Sennacherib around 700 BCE, and Al-Hadba minaret.


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