Rami Al-Hijazi ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Irak

Hello! 😁

I'm Rami 26 years old, i'm actually a translator, interpreter, and a tourist guid. Together we will have memorable tour you have ever had!

We will have a lot of fun sharing knowledge, getting acquainted with each other, and exchanging our traditions and cultural insights. I will take you a tour in the cradle of civilization the point from which the world had begun.

Our journey will begin by visiting the main attractions in Baghdad such as:

Iraqi national museum which contains precious relics from the Mesopotamian, Abbasid and Persian civilizations, Mutanabbi street: The street is the historic center of Baghdad bookselling, a street filled with bookstores and outdoor book stalls, Abbasid Palace an ancient Abbasid complex and an Iraqi historical palace located near the Tigris river, Al-Mustansiriya Madrasa was a medieval-era scholarly complex that provided a universal system of higher education, It was established in 1227 CE. Imam Kazem mausoleum he is the great grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and Martyr Monument landmarks Memorial dedicated to Iraqi war soldiers. Also there is a Taq Kasra Large, ancient archeological relic of a stone archway thought to date from the 3rd–6th centuries. Imagine this is just in Baghdad still we have a lot to discover, there are The Ziggurat of Ur, Marshes, Babylon, Hatra, and Minaret of Samarra.

Together we will enjoy and have fun especially with a guid has a knowledge, communication skills, and sense of humor Let me be your guide to a world of exploration and discovery.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
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