Old Tbilisi city tour - 6- 8 people

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 550 GEL für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

During Old Tbilisi tour you will be able to see the oldest church in Tbilisi (6th century), 4th century fortress, which overlooks the city of Tbilisi with Mother of Kartli (old Georgian kingdom), taste delicious Georgian traditional food on Meidan square, and experience the charm and life olden days.

-Pick-up from hotel after breakfast

-Metheki church

-Narikala fortress (by Cable car-one way)

-Abanotubani (Sulphur-bath district)

-Meidan Square

-Lunch break

-Shardeni St. (Dark street)

-Sioni Cathedral

-Piece Bridge

-Gabriadze Theatre and Clock Tower

-Anchiskhati church

-Baratashvili St.

-Drop-of to your hotel

-Night stay Tbilisi


The tour includes:

Private Guide

Private Transportation

Cable car fee (one way)


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