Nini Karchava ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Georgien

Hello, my name is Nini. I am a guide here in Georgia or Sakartvelo as we locals call it. I discovered my passion for tour guiding 2 years ago and have become a certified guide, showing my beloved country to our guests from all over the world since then. Next I'd like to show you the beautiful country of Georgia. so, Come to Georgia to explore beautiful and breathtaking sceneries of mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, get to know rich culture and history, visit historical and religious sites, listen to traditional music, taste delicious food and wine, make new friends, have fun and enjoy your stay. I hope I'll be the one guiding you through your new discoveries and adventures here. Let's make unforgettable precious memories together in Georgia. See you soon

Sprachen Englisch, georgisch
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