3 Nights 4 Days Tour In Tbilisi Georgia Tbilisi-Mtsketa-uplistsikhe

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 415 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Tage

Day 1 - Transfer to the hotel


Day 2 - Old Tbilisi Tour


Pick-up from hotel after breakfast

Chronicles of Georgia

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Metekhi church

Narikala fortress (by Cable car)

Abanotubani (Sulphur-bath district)

Meidan Square

Lunch break

Shardeni St. (Dark street)

Sioni Cathedral

Piece Bridge

Gabriadze Theatre and Clock Tower

Anchiskhati church

Baratashvili St.

Drop-of to your hotel

Night stay Tbilisi


Day 3 - Mtsketa - Uplistsikhe tour


Pick-up from hotel

Jvari monastery

Uplistsikhe ancient cave city

Uplistsikhe museum

Lunch break

Mtsketa city tour

Svetitskhoveli Cathedral

Local market

Wine degustation

Samtavro Monastery

Return to hotel

Night stay Tbilisi


Day 4 - departure


Free time before the flight

Pick up from hotel

Transfer to Tbilisi International Airport



What's Included:

Private Transportation and driver

Certified tour guide

Museum and entrance fees

Cable car fee (1 way)

wine degustation

Bottle of water

Transfer from/to hotel


What's Excluded:


2-Lunch or dinner (of course, we will stop for a lunch break and taste mouthwatering Georgian dishes)

3-Expenses for additional activities, personal shopping or entertainment


What to bring:

-Women need scarves to enter churches (to cover their head).

-Some cash on hand for lunch or souvenirs (about 100Gel)

-Jackets, depending on the weather may need a raincoat or an umbrella, hats to get cover from the sun.

-Put on comfortable clothes and shoes for walking and rock climbing



1.Private Tour (2 people) - $415

2.up to 5 people - $480

3.up to 7 people - $585


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