Gori-Uplistsikhe Cave Tour - up to 5 people

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 650 GEL für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

-Uplistsikhe is identified by archaeologists as one of the oldest urban settlements in Georgia. Strategically located in the heartland of ancient kingdom of Kartli (or Iberia as it was known to the Classical authors), it emerged as a major political and religious center of the country. The town's age and importance led medieval Georgian written tradition to ascribe its foundation to the mythical Uplos, son of Mtskhetos, and grandson of Kartlos.

The earliest traces of human presence in Uplistsikhe date back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC.

-In city Gori, there is Stalin Museum and Gori fortress which is situated in the city centre, on the rocky hill of the Northern slope. Reached remnants and archaeological date indicates that in the last centuries of the first millennium Gori fortress was a strongly protected fortress and people were settled around it. The current parts of the fortress belongs to the middle period of XVII century.

Gori Fortress first mentioned by the historian Juansher (11th century) in connection to 7th century tidings. Lord Stefanoz's son Archil inherited the treasure and part of it was dumped here- which was called „Tontion“ – the mountain of gold.

-Pick-up from hotel

-Stalin house and museum in Gori

-Gori Fortress

-Uplistsikhe ancient cave city

-Uplistsikhe museum

-Lunch break

-Return to Hotel



Stalin Museum Pass

Uplistsikhe Museum Pass

Private Transportation

Certified Tour Guide


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