Erick Jamat ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia

Certified Tour Guide with an energetic personality whilst having 26 years of experience in the Hospitality line, including 9-years of experience in the Travel and Tourism industry. Having to undergo massive formal training in Tourism management and other trainings in emergency response, is groomed to become goal-driven and dedicated person whilst having a remarkable talent for entertaining guests and delivering a high-level of customer service. Being patriotic towards our beloved country, I am confident that I have the comprehensive knowledge on both local and world geography. Moving along with my career development, I have also developed my communication skills as well as certain interpersonal skills in terms of analytical thinking, problem solving, soft skills, management and organisational planning and research methods (information gathering and data analysis). I am also adaptable and open-minded towards others’ opinions and ideas. I strive to continuously learn and keep myself updated in order to relay valid and accurate information to my guests. Working as a tour guide for 9 years I have the experience in providing a high standard of customer service in handling school groups, private tours, diplomatic and government official groups, which has proved invaluable in increasing my interpersonal skills and team working ability.

Sprachen Englisch, malaiisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Dollar (BND), Ringgit (MYR), Dollar (SGD)

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