Erick Jamat es guía turístico privado local en Brunéi, Malasia
I am a Certified Tour Guide with an energetic personality, 26 years of experience in the hospitality industry, and 9 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. Having undergone massive formal training in Tourism management and other training in emergency response, I am groomed to become a goal-driven and dedicated person with a remarkable talent for entertaining guests and delivering a high level of customer service. Being patriotic towards our beloved country, I am confident I have comprehensive knowledge of local and world geography. Moving along with my career development, I have also developed my communication and specific interpersonal skills in analytical thinking, problem-solving, soft skills, management and organizational planning and research methods (information gathering and data analysis). I am also adaptable and open-minded towards others’ opinions and ideas. I strive to continuously learn and keep myself updated to relay valid and accurate information to my guests. Working as a tour guide for 9 years, I have experience providing high customer service in handling school groups, private tours, and diplomatic and government official groups, improving my interpersonal skills and teamwork ability.
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