Oguzhan Ceylan ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

Professionel Tour Guide licenced by Ministy of Culture and Tourism.

Based in Istanbul Turkey

Day tours, mutiple days tours, Tailor made touts!

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Pfund (GBP), 2005–2008 „Neue Lira“ (TRY)

Exkursionen (11)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Nacho Ignacio
29 SEP 2021
I had the pleasure to be guided by Oguzhan ( OZZY ) for 10 days around turkey.
I found him to be very professional, punctual and dedicated. Very knowledgeable on every aspect of Turkish Tourism site and history in addition to his wide general knowledge that is a plus point for him being a tour guide.
Ozzy is very hospitable, friendly and extremely helpful. We had 5 days Istanbul Tours followed by 5 days Blacksea Region trip by car and ended our 10 days journey in Cappadocia before headed back to Istanbul via Ankara.
During the road trip, Ozzy always follow safety regulation while driving, he is very well-groomed and hygienic person. He always tried to do his best to go above and beyond his scope of work to ensure that his customer is happy and satisfied. He constantly checking on me if I am alright and need anything.

He gave always best recommendation with various option for the tourist/customer to choose and not just directing you to one point of idea so you have no choice to select.
In a nutshell, I highly recommend Ozzy whether it is for private or group tour in Istanbul.
He is fully vaccinated and holding a valid Guide License from Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Turkey.

It was a pleasure to found such professional guide like Ozzy and I am so looking forward to the pleasure of meeting him again in not too distance future.
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