Amir Dehghan ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Spanien, Schweiz, Gibraltar

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Amir. I have been working as a tourist and personal guide in Seville about 4 years. I also do translation work. My tourist career started in Asia in 2009 and today I am also working in Europe.

I follow my work professionally and I enjoy doing it. That's why I became self-employed.

I have many great experiences in my pocket that I would like to share with visitors, always from the perspective of quality,cultural immersion, great domain of local places and attractions , flexibility with the clients and good sense of humor, summing up give a great and unforgettable experience.

It was very interesting to get acquainted with Andalusian culture, so I decided to contribute to this work so that I can do some work for you in the field of guidance and translation. Hope to see you soon.. my number is +34637427888.

Sprachen Englisch, persisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (2)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Blanca Hoyos
20 FEB 2022
Nos encantó la ruta y el servicio que nos dio Amir. Volveré a contratarle para el próximo viaje. Es muy atento y educado. Hace un trabajo impecable. Lo recomendaré a todos los que estén buscando un guía. Fue divertido y nos llevamos un bonito recuerdo de la experiencia.
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