Baturalp Aktepe ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

28 years old. He was born in Ankara. He graduated from Kusadasi Adnan Menderes University with a bachelor’s degree in tourist guiding. At the same time, he participated in the erasmus program at the faculty of sports sciences for 1 year in the school of physical education awf krakow. In this program, he successfully completed activities such as ecotourism, active tourism, nordic walking high-mountain outdoor, winter trekking, ski touring, climbing, body-art stretching and relaxation methods. National tourist guide affiliated to the Ministry of Tourism and the Chamber of Tourist Guides since 2019. He started as a tourist guide in 2019, working for a cruise company in the Greek Islands. In addition to guiding, he worked as a manager in the hiking-trekking department of a private sports company and worked as a camping trekking instructor. He is a licensed mountaineer affiliated with the Turkish mountaineering federation. He also organizes trekking tours in a private mountaineering club. He has been walking the Lycian Way independently for about 10 years and has also been accompanying the Lycian Way walks as a guide.

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