Sarah Mishin ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Frankreich

I am a tour guide offering private/customized tours in my vehicle or yours, in full or half day, starting from Caen, Bayeux or Honfleur.

My excursions are aimed at small groups of up to 7 people and are also suitable for families thanks to the use of cultural mediation tools adapted for the youngest (quizzes, treasure hunts...).

Coming from a family whose parents had a long military career in the French Air Force, I have an expertise of the Battle of Normandy but I also have a very deep knowledge of the great dates that marked Normandy: Saint-Michel, the Vikings, William the Conqueror, the Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc, St. Theresa of Lisieux, the Impressionist painters.

Having grown up in Paris, I took courses in the history of art and civilizations at the first private school founded in 1936 as well as at the Ecole du Louvre and finally at the CNAM in Paris which trains guide-lecturers. I can thus cover painting, sculpture and architecture from all periods.

I will be happy to serve as your local guide and to share with you all the places and tips (hotels, restaurants, activities ...) that are off the beaten track.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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