Tesfaw Girmay ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Äthiopien

Welcome to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!! 

I'm Tesfaw Girmay founder of Ethiopian Expedition. I am a professional tour operator and experienced tour guide based in Addis Ababa and exploring the four quadrant of Ethiopia. Furthermore, I began my career from childhood as I was born from the historical Village of St. Lalibela Tourism was my early childhood passion. As the tourism lover inside me, I went to a tourism college and studied Tour operation and Tour Guiding Skill, from Lion Ethiopia Tourism and Business college and graduated with ‘Distinctions’ in October 2011. Since then, I am enjoying working as a tour operator and guiding all over Ethiopia I specialize in providing top quality individually tailored safari, family holiday, bird watching, film making & photography, group travel, guided tour and sole travel throughout Ethiopia.  Helps you have a great experience of your Ethiopian holiday. Besides ongoing tours, also provide car rental services, hotel booking and flight Reservations. My prices are always competitive. 

Hope to see you in Ethiopia!

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Pfund (GBP)

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