Tesfaw Girmay - местный частный тур гид в стране Эфиопия

Welcome to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!! 

I'm Tesfaw Girmay founder of Ethiopian Expedition. I am a professional tour operator and experienced tour guide based in Addis Ababa and exploring the four quadrant of Ethiopia. Furthermore, I began my career from childhood as I was born from the historical Village of St. Lalibela Tourism was my early childhood passion. As the tourism lover inside me, I went to a tourism college and studied Tour operation and Tour Guiding Skill, from Lion Ethiopia Tourism and Business college and graduated with ‘Distinctions’ in October 2011. Since then, I am enjoying working as a tour operator and guiding all over Ethiopia I specialize in providing top quality individually tailored safari, family holiday, bird watching, film making & photography, group travel, guided tour and sole travel throughout Ethiopia.  Helps you have a great experience of your Ethiopian holiday. Besides ongoing tours, also provide car rental services, hotel booking and flight Reservations. My prices are always competitive. 

Hope to see you in Ethiopia!

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