Brice Dédé Niyongabo è una guida turistica privata locale in Ruanda, Uganda, Burundi

I am a Burundian guy trying to find his way as a tour guide. I was born (in 1990) and raised in Bujumbura, the capital city. Thus, saying that I know this city like the palm of my hand would not be an overstatement. I am familiar with other parts of this country as well. I speak French and English. I had an eight years (2010-2018) stint in China, thus, I also speak Mandarin. I have an outgoing and friendly personality, and if you play your cards right, I might teach you Kirundi, which is the local language spoken here in Burundi. Will you let me be your tour guide?

Lingue Inglese, Francese, Kirundi
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