Segway Tour of Reykjavik

Язык Английский
Стоимость 370 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа

Segways are fun machines and pretty easy to handle even for first time users after a short training session.

On this private Segway tour you get to see some of Reykjavik's highlights and travel in style at the same time.

Each tour is different depending on the ability and interest of the riders.

The cost is as follows.

1 person - US$ 370

2 persons - US$ 370 (in total for both)

3 persons - US$ 447

4 persons - US$ 596

5 - add US$ 149 for each participant. Maximum number on this tour is 14 guests.

Minimum age is 15

Minimum weight is 40 kg

Maximum weight is 120 kg.

Pregnant women are not allowed for the safety of the mother and the unborn infant.


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