Day trip to Marrakech from Casablanca :

Язык арабский, Английский, Французский, Итальянский, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 90 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 10 часов

A day trip to Marrakech from Casablanca to discover the many hidden wonders among the winding alleys of Marrakech’s medina. See Menara Garden, Saadian Tombs, Bahia Palace and Djemâa El Fina before exploring the souks to shop for handicrafts.

The Program of the day :

At 8:00 AM your English speaking tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel or the Port to begin your Marrakech tour from Casablanca. After 2:30 hours driving, you will enjoy the rest day in Marrakech. The historical sightseeing includes Menara Garden, Saadian Tombs and Bahia Palace . Lunch (optional) will be served at a local restaurant before visiting the souks and handicraft quarters in the afternoon to go shopping. End the day at the famous Djemâa El Fina before returning to Casablanca city. The tour will last around 10 hours, returning you to your hotel in Casablanca in the evening around 6:30 PM.


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