Pune city tour (9.30 am to 2.30 pm or 1 pm to 6 pm)

Язык Английский
Стоимость 5500 INR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

 Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum (showcasing nearly 15,000 various artifacts in 3 floors. Entrance for foreign Nationals is Rs.300/-pp

 Shaniwar wada dated back to 1732 a fort palace built by the Peshwas. Entrance for foreign nationals is Rs. 100/-pp

 Pataleshwar Caves/Temple dating back to the 8th century, it is a single massive Basalt rock carved into a Lord Shiva Temple No Entrance fees. Time required is about 30 minutes.

 Dagdu Shet Ganapati and The Gram devi (Local Goddess) of Jogeshwari,

 Walking and looking around heritage buildings, the old city at Tulsibag and some old Wadas which include Nana WAADA and Vishram bag WAADA. There is a small NGO which has interesting useful things which attract the foreigners. Time to be spent is one hour.

 Trishundya Ganpati Temple A very beautiful ancient Rock Carved 17th Century Temple with elaborate carvings.

 Nageshwar temple A lord Shiva temple of 1he 12 th Century very elaborately done wooden carvings


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