Trip to World Largest Mangrove Forest - Sundarban

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек

Starts our journey from Dhaka at 11:00 pm. Overnight journey at AC bus . Reach Khulna in early morning.

1st Day: We start for Sundarban early in the morning from Khulna Launch Ghat. We reach Kachikhali before evening and enjoy about the forest for some time. In kachikhali we observe the natural beauty of Mangrove forest. In the first day we stay night on boat at Kachikhali.

2nd Day: Early in the morning we can cruise the mangrove channel as you like and came back on boat take our breakfast at that time the boat start its journey the next destination katka tourist spot. After breakfast in the morning our vessel move towards Katka tourist spot around the Katka Sea Beach and the wild forest with Katka Watch Tower. In Katka we can take one’s bath in katka see beach. And after lunch we will enjoy the office side of the largest Mangrove forest and enjoy the sunset then come back on boat and we stay night on boat at katka.

3rd Day: Make our return journey for Khulna at the day three early in the morning. In the last day if we have enough time then visit Karamjal wildlife centre/ herbaria Mangrove trail, then we start return journey for Khulna.

After reached Khulna we will starts our return journey towards Dhaka by AC bus at night and the next morning we will reach our city.



• Transportation (Dhk-Khl-Dhk)

• Three days two nights accommodation with vessel

• All meals during the trip

• All activities inside the forest as per itinerary

• Mineral water for drinking during the trip

• Forest fees & permission

• Armed forest guard from the forest department

• An accompanied experience Guide during the trip


1. The price is for 2 people.

2. This price is a basic concept for you. The charges may change for any circumstance so you will get the current tariff after booking.


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