
Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 2 часа

The city of Pompeii is one of the wonders of archeology . Buried in 79 ad , along with Herculaneum and other cities , by a terrible eruption of Vesuvius , it was excavated in 1748 at the behest of King Charles III of Bourbon . The city we see today , with the roads , the buildings , the shops , is the photograph of the terrible action of the volcano , who stopped the clock at the 24 August 79 AD. The contribution of a guide is essential to appreciate in a limited time the beauties of the city , to know its history , take a step back in time in the streets , walking side by side with the ancient pompeians , entering in their homes , in their stores and relive the last dramatic moments of their lives .

The tour is suitable for groups not too big of a maximum of 10 people , to appreciate in a relaxed way its main features .


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