Sintra Private Sightseeing Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 85 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Visit Sintra, Cascais, and the surrounding area on a private sightseeing tour. Admire the natural beauty and stop at historic sites. The tour duration is flexible and the itinerary will be customized to ensure that you see and do what interests you most.

Embark a private sightseeing tour of historic Sintra and its stunning surroundings. Stop to see important sites along the way and enjoy exploring places not included on typical tourist routes.

You’ll have plenty of time on this full-day trip to take in all the spots of historic importance and admire views of the area’s natural splendor. We will pass, and stop, in all the places that you cannot miss out during your visit to Sintra. Leaving this astonishing landmark we make our way to the Praia do Guincho (Guincho beach) to make a quick break and visit the old fishermen’s village of Cascais.

The tour is designed to be a full day of exploration, but the duration can be shortened if necessary, according to your scheduling requirements. You can also let the tour leader know your main areas of interest so the trip can be customized for you.

As in all our tours, we cannot leave out tasting some of our traditional pastries and stroll along historical locations and neighborhoods, off the usual tourism routes and places.


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