The Jewish Odyssey in Lisbon

Язык Английский, Немецкий, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 65 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

Discover the history and culture of the Jewish community in Lisbon on this tour around the city. Explore Portugal’s relationship with the Jewish community from the beginning of its formation until present times.

Since their exodus out of Egypt the Jewish people wandered through lands, countries and continents, emerging as the ultimate nomads.

Jewish communities, during the centuries, appeared, disappeared and reappeared nearly everywhere in the world, belonging everywhere and yet, nowhere.

When the kingdom of Portugal was established in the 12th century, the crown recognized the Jewish community as a distinct legal entity, with its own jurisdiction.

From here on you will learn about the history and the places that marked both cultures, Portuguese Christians and the Portuguese Jewish Communities.

You will be able to visit Lisbon´s synagogue (Shaare Tikva), learn about the different Jewish communities that lived in Portugal and especially in Lisbon.

Visit the historic quarters, famous memorials, and immerse yourself in the rich history of its culture.

Learn about important people, Jewish and Portuguese, that helped shape history or save thousands of souls for centuries, as Abraham Anahory or Aristides Sousa Mendes.

Finally, find out about the Lisbon of today, a city of tolerance, history, but also creativity. Finally, visit the Alfama city quarter.

Your guide will make sure you experience as much as possible, as well as provide insight into what to do in the city for the rest of your stay!


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