Kamniška Bistrica River valley

Язык Английский, Slovene, Испанский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 4 часа

The valley of the Kamniška Bistrica River plunges from the south into the heart of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps. The valley is a very popular starting point for various hiking trips and of course to visit Velika Planina with the cable car. However, a smaller number of visitors stop to visit and explore the sights hidden in the valley itself.

Kamniška Bistrica River is considered to be one of the cleanest rivers in Slovenia, while its spring as one of the most beautiful places in the valley. The river Kamniška Bistrica rises from three places, but the most known is its major source which is located near the lodging house Dom in Kamniška Bistrica. The water springs from the moss-grown rocks and then stops for a short period of time in the artificial lake. The lake presents the most pleasant refreshment to all who like to sit near the river’s source, particularly during the summer time. Among the most renowned parts, where the river bed cuts the deepest, are Mali and Veliki Predoselj Gorges.


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