Special tour for movie makers and writters on mumbai tour made for movie makers and writers

Язык Английский, Немецкий, иврит
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

As Mumbai city being the financial capital of the country where you get to see colors from all over the country and various different customs traditions. Places having historical values from last hundreds of years and experienc modern world in this india and so much more that is beyond our imagination.

So here we have brought special tour for all the movie makers are writers where we can plan tour according to the need of them and can get overall focus on the city with lots of knowledge and preparations whatever required for your project like to meet normal people to convince them for your project can help you in this and it will be part of this tour.

It is very important for me to inform that one who is visiting Mumbai specially for movie making it is important that you do take prior permission from the Consulate General of India during you apply for the visa and you get all detailed application and only after having that documents you are free to do shooting with the professional camera in public

Gateway Of India

Nariman point

Dhobi Ghaat

Victoria terminal Railway station

Prince of Whales Museum

Kala Ghoda premises and neighboring buildings.

Choor Bazar (thief market)

Crawford market( Asias largest wholesale and pets market)

Slum Areas of mumbai and visit to koli (fishermens of mumbai)

This is a rough itenary normally it will depend on the requirments of the client what exactly wants to focus more and accordngly will give you best tour.


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