Historic Center Tour of Lima

Язык Английский, Венгерский
Стоимость 15 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Just landed in Lima? Have a gap day here before traveling to your next destination?

Lima has so much to offer that it is hard to squeeze into one day, but still you can get a good insight into the history, culture and gastronomy of the capital of Peru.

A typical tour includes:

-meeting in historic center or at your hotel

-visiting the main square of Lima

-Museum of the National Bank of Peru: small exhibition of archeology, art and costumes (entrance is free but copy of passport or some form of ID required)

-Lunch in a local restaurant with Peruvian cuisine explained

-Walking pedestrian zone Jiron de la Union

-Church of Nazarenas:”displaying altar of sacred image of the Lord of Miracles, carried around the city every October in South Americas biggest procession

-getting know the national festival cake of Turron

-San Martin Square: one the largest and most beautiful squares in Lima.

If you tell me your special interest in advance I customize your trip to your needs.

Apart from getting known some of the most important historical sights of Lima you will learn how to navigate in the travel chaos, you will try and understand local food menus, will get help and advice for shopping and other useful tips for planning the remaining part of your holiday.

Price of $15 per person only represents guide fee and does not include lunch ($3-5) eventual transport costs ($2-4) and entrances fees apart from sights in typical program stated above.


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