Bavarian mountains tour Half day

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Русский
Стоимость 290 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 4 часа

This individual VIP- tour is the most beautiful and breathtaking tour in Salzburg region! Start your tour with the local expert on a car or van (up to 8 Pax.) in Salzburg right from your hotel!

You have three main options for your visit:

1. Eagle´s nest (Hitlers Teahouse) on the top of the 1834 m high Kehlstein- mountain and the former headquarter of the Nazis in the time of WW2. Please note: This option is available only during summer from Mai until to the end of October!

2. Königssee (Kings Lake) - The most beautiful mountain lake in Germany

3. Salt mines: See 500-year-old salt mines, still producing now!

All these options include a short visit to the typical Bavarian city of Berchtesgaden.

If the 4- hour tour is too short, you have the option to make a 5-8 hours tour to see 2-3 sights. The price for each half hour more is 35 €.


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