Participate on a wedding in Samarkand

Язык Английский, Французский, Русский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Dear guests of our city and country. We decided to organize a new excursion; most likely this is not an excursion but an experience.

We invite you to attend a real Uzbek wedding from the beginning till the end!

Attend the nine-course meal ceremony

Socialize with the villagers themselves, experience their customs.

You will need to indicate the date and we will look for a wedding. We will go to the wedding together from your hotel.

A wedding is the biggest celebration for all residents of our sunny homeland.

Welcome to the wedding!

Organizational details included in the price:

English speaking guide


and a cash gift is included in the price, but if you want to give something, that would be great.

(a gift, something from your homeland)

The price is for one to three people.

But if there are more of you, it’s not a problem, we can organize it.

More than three people +25 euros per person

Meeting point

The meeting place is by agreement with the guide; you can discuss it when ordering the excursion.


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