Private Tour of Accra and Akwapim mountains

Язык Английский, Twi
Стоимость 1000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 дней

Tour the beautiful city of Accra and the Aburi Akwapim mountains in two days and experience beautiful culture of the people of Accra and Aburi, as well as the Akwapim people in their beautiful landscape.

The beauty and uniqueness of this garden stems from its relatively bracing, relieving climate and the lushly scenic setting. Its serenity makes it an ideal place for the stressed who wants relief, the writer who wants solitude, the thinker for reflective peace, newlyweds for honeymoon, campers, nature lovers, re creationists and a sanatorium for the recuperating. It is also an excellent place for picnic activities.

Butterfly and bird lovers will love Aburi Gardens for the presence of many species of butterflies and birds that would come so near as if wanting to perch on one's head. Another delight of Aburi Botanic Garden is the blossoming mixture of indigenous and exotic trees of global importance, aesthetic appeal and medicinal properties.


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