following Jesus footsteps

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя

1st. day - Jerusalem - Mount of Olives (including the Garden of Gethsemane), St. Steven Gate, St. Anne, 14 stations of the Via dolorosa, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Mount Zion (including Last super hall and the Church of the Dormition).

Overnight in Jerusalem.

2nd. day - Jerusalem - City of David, the Temple Mount, the Wailing Wall and the Davidson archeological garden, Jewish Quarter,

Overnight in Jerusalem.

3rd. day - Judah Desert - Good Samaritan Inn, Baptize site, Masada, Dead Sea bath.

Overnight in Jerusalem.

4th. Day - Jerusalem surroundings - Ein Kerem (St. John birthplace), Herodion (King Herod the Great desert fortress and burial place), Bethlehem.

Overnight in Jerusalem.

5th. Day - Mediterranean coast - Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel (where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal), Haifa (view Baha'i gardens and temple).

Overnight in Haifa.

6th. Day – Low Galilee - Megiddo (Armageddon), Nazareth and the Holy sites on the Sea of Galilee (including Mt. of the Beatitudes and Capernaum).

Overnight near the Sea of Galilee.

7th day – Jordan Valley – Magdala, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee lookout, Mt. Tabor, Bet She'an.

Overnight in Jerusalem

Price of the tour depends on the exact tailormade itinerary created with the guide and number of participants.


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